> I did a quick perusal of the source (and compared it against the NetBSD 
> tree) and it looks like the easiest way to
> make getaddrinfo() thread safe is to TURN OFF Yellow Pages (pee).
> NetBSD changes the only "variable" globals to local (in they yp code by 
> removing the caching optimization) and puts
> a mutex in the yp code to protect its global variables.
> I would do the work but I can't test it (I have refused to use YP for 
> the last 17.5 years).  If someone volunteers to
> test, I'll rework the code.

It would be silly to turn off YP to "solve" this.

It's much like saying that the simplest way to avoid children being
hurt in car accidents during their teens is to abort them at birth.

YP is good stuff.  It is going to get us LDAP for nearly free.

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