This is a VERY sad day :(

Personally I managed to convert quite a few people to using OpenBSD by
coaxing an interest via COMIXWALL.

A grand pity and unfortunately if I were you I'd probably have done
the same :( OpenBSD is possibly the cleanest most delightful OS to
work on and most definitely the most secure I have worked on but the
attitudes of /some/ the core developers leave much to be desired.

That said, will I stop using OpenBSD on my edge devices... HELL NO!
    There just isn't an alternative :(

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Soner Tari <> wrote:
> Due to unexpected reaction from the leader of the OpenBSD project
> (please read below), I am terminating the ComixWall project. I will keep
> the project server running until the end of this month. I might
> resurrect the project in the future with another host OS perhaps.
> I am going to unsubscribe from this list after posting this last
> message. He apparently prefers reading messages from 'pricks' (to use
> his terms) rather than release announcements from people trying to help.
> Good luck, and goodbye...
> On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 09:04 -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 14:03 +0200, Soner Tari wrote:
>> > On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 10:29 +0200, Soner Tari wrote:
>> > > On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 23:46 -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> > > > Don't you dare post that that to our lists again.
>> > >
>> > > I don't understand, what's the problem?
>> > >
>> > > If you think that I am making money out of ComixWall, you are completely
>> > > wrong. I have not made a penny out of it, ever (this is just a homemade
>> > > project by an OpenBSD enthusiast). In fact, I was doing this to help
>> > > uninitiated people use OpenBSD, instead of something else. Is it so hard
>> > > to believe?
>> > >
>> > > I can't believe what you just said...
>> >
>> > If you don't tell me that you were just joking, I have decided to
>> > terminate the ComixWall project.
>> >
>> > Given that my sole purpose was to help promote the use of OpenBSD, I
>> > will feel stupid continuing with this project while I am not even
>> > allowed to post its release announcements to the OpenBSD mailing lists.
>> Take your advertisements OFF OUR LISTS>

"Opportunity is most often missed by people because it is dressed in
overalls and looks like work."
    Thomas Alva Edison
    Inventor of 1093 patents, including:
        The light bulb, phonogram and motion pictures.

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