On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 6:51 PM, J Sisson <sisso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OpenBSD-STABLE with fluxbox on my work desktop.  I have a laptop with a
> busted LCD and keyboard, so I use it as a WinXP slave via rdesktop for
> running IE (checking websites, as I work in IT for a hosting company).  The
> XP box runs in seamless mode, so fluxbox looks a bit weird with a Windows
> task bar across the top...but it works haha.
> At home I have OpenBSD-CURRENT running on my desktop...fluxbox there as
> well.
> Both have conky running as my monitor, with three instances:  Left one is
> RSS feeds (undeadly, milw0rm, etc...), middle is CPU/RAM/etc, right is

FYI milw0rm went TU quite a while ago.  Another good tracker is
Offensive Security: http://www.exploit-db.com/

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