On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 09:41 +0100, Manuel Giraud wrote:
> Peter Miller <feu...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I saved and re-use my config files everywhere. All my files stay on 1
> > usb drive that I plug in to whatever cpu i'm using. I keep it backed
> > up.
> I'm curious about how you deal with that. I have the same annoying
> problem of little differences in config files from system to system. Do
> you make this usb drive your home, or rsync, or what?
> I've once setup an usb thumb drive with a complete OpenBSD and boot on
> it everywhere I can but the writes were so slow that the thing is barely
> usable (I think I might try it with an external HD).
For normal files, I mount the usb drive /mnt/whatever and create a
bookmark to it or set the file manager to start there by default.

Sometimes i use /home/pete/temp (on the main hard disk) and then move
all the files once at the end of the day to the external disk.

As for the config files, i try to use the same files on all systems.
When that isn't possible i create .tcshrc-base and .tcshrc-obsd-add with
the extra lines i need. Then i copy and paste the contents of -add into
-base as needed (i could use patch). Or i make 2 separate
files, .tcshrc-server and .tcshrc-laptop

These files are kept on the usb drive and copied into my /home once,
after a fresh install. It's pretty easy with a -server and -laptop
version. rsync is overkill. 


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