On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 05:44:57AM -0600, J.D. Bronson wrote:
> I just joined this thread today, but had a similar issue with an IBM
> 305 machine.
> On 4.5, it would randomly just shut down. No reason. Nothing in any
> logs, it was as if the power was pulled.
> I have 2 identical IBM 305 machines and it was happening on both, so
> that technically ruled out any specific hardware failure.
> What I did notice (in the BIOS events) was that the IBM reported fan
> #1,2,3 loss. Something seemed to disrupt the fan speed to bios
> reporting and I suspect the machine powered down since it thought it
> was overheating? - I could go a day or 2 weeks. Very random.
> 4.6 hasn't done this (yet) and uptime has been over a month.
> However, eventhough both IBMs are the same in every way, 4.6-REL
> will boot on machine #2 but I have no networking. If I use a 4.6-CUR
> snapshot, it comes up fine. That makes NO sense, yet another user
> reported the same exact thing.
> -- 
> J.D. Bronson

Please try -current as of today (Jan 13, 2010 Melbourne time), there were 
number of significant fixes committed in the last couple of days.

.... Ken

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