>>> I don't like the color of your mascott, will refork into
>>> ReJigglyPuffBSD, with a red one.
>> Dislike your choice of default mutt schemes; will rerefork
>> into HotDogStandBSD.
> TrollBSD.  Forked with a sed one-liner, released via another one that
> turns all available desktop themes into grey and moss green colors.
> Will distribute by hurling boulders at you.  Pine needles and smell of
> week-old trout optional.

The secret there is to just use the trout skins, they take less space in
the case.  That's were the best smell comes from anyway.


> - P
> PS you would not believe how many times .no companies have tried (and
>    mostly failed in tragic-to-entertaining ways) to marked something
>    under a Troll trademark

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