On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Kenneth R Westerback
<kwesterb...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Exchange, Groupwise, Lotus, various Unix setups. You name it.
>> Day to day, no errors, no hardware going flakey, then anything will
> work. In 'most' cases you will be suffering huge performance loses for
> negligable increases in safety by disabling your cache.

What you call negligible is the fact that email being written into the
queue from a remote machine will be lost from either disk or
controller write-back cache during a crash. I don't know if that's
important or not in your case. Maybe the email(s) that will be lost
will not be important. How can we tell? How can we back up email while
it's being sent from remote machines?

Email queues are not bandwidth-bound, unless most of the messages are
big files (which is rarely a case for email), they're seek-bound.

> If you are trying to create a system where hardware (or software)
> can never lose any of your data, you are Don Quixote and they are
> windmills. Follow normal practise, backup religiously and you will
> probably retire before the planets align and your data disappears.
> In most cases. That's my plan.
> .... Ken

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