Dear OpenBSD community,

I'm a student for a MSc Advanced Networking degree.

I have a little situation maybe you guys could give me some feedback on.

The issue is that my module leader is refusing even to consider mentioning
OpenBSD, or any BSD in introductory Linux course where the focus is on
network services. DNS, iptables, Apache.

It is a introductory course, with limited time. So it's understandable that
one has to be level-headed on what's to go in as material in the course. My
argument is only to have a reference to OpenBSD, PF, and maybe the jailing
of named, when we go through the topics of iptables, and DNS.

My professor (the module leader) argue that almost no one is using BSD, and
those that does is probably 70+ and so it will soon die off, in a humours
tone. In more serious tone, lack of applications.

I'm a bit resigned by this attitude, because we are at a master level about
networking. We learn about all the technologies surrounding  routers,
switches, wan, security, etc.  As such I think that OpenBSD is really a bean
to be counted when we learn about open/free software. So in relation to
this, I would argue that OpenBSD is a excellent platform for networking

I have said so in writing, and verbally only to be brushed off.

I feel it's game over, at this point. But maybe you guys have some
suggestion about good arguments that might persuade my professor?




This might be the wrong crowd, but I also argue for the documents on the
internal web-learning facility to be published in PDF (ISO 32000 standard)
(he insist on doc), and that Linux at least once should be mentioned as
GNU/Linux.(system-tools/Kernel, to pay tribute). This is also met in the
same way as my BSD arguments. Which I find strange, since my professor has
developed a bit of stuff for the GNU/Linux platform.

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