I'm using OpenBSD 4.6.
I've made the following steps:
- Installed the system, so wd0 and wd1 both has disklabels:
#       size  offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a:   1060227      63 4.2BSD   2048 16384   1
b:   1060290 1060290   swap
c: 312579695       0 unused
d: 310456125 2120580   RAID

- rebuilt the kernel, so it now supports raid-frame technology.
- successfuly rebooted and worked well in software raid (mirror) with my own
kernel /bsd. I've named the config RAID.MP

Then I decided to decompile some devices (audio etc) and recompiled kernel
I did install it on old roots (wd0a/bsd and wd1a/bsd) and rebooted well
again. The config now is RAID.SMP

The only question now is:
where kernel configuration is now could be located?

My new raid root contains raid0/usr/src/sys, but it is GENERIC
My old root contains wd0a/usr/src/sys, but it is RAID.MP

the difference between RAID.MP and RAID.SMP is absence of audio devices and
and therefore i can say, that /usr/src/sys didn't update

Is it possible to get configuration for current kernel in other ways?

Thank you.

(o_ - Dzmitry Stremkouski.
//\ - cel: +7 (916) 090-85-68
V_/_- web: http://mitroko.com

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