On 2010 Feb 19 (Fri) at 10:05:06 +0200 (+0200), Lars Nooden wrote:
:Otto Moerbeek wrote:
:> The lasy days I spent on working at the install procedure. The code I
:> am about to commit is able to create a small ext2 partition or use an
:> existing ext2 one to install the bootloader on. The kernel the wil be
:> read from ffs.
:Sweet.  Can I ask how, priori to that, you solved the ext2 problem?

A combination of creating partitions with linux/packages, copying bsd to
said ext2fs partition, and rebooting.  it was pretty annoying.

Bride, n.:
        A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.
                -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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