On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 02:40:05 +0000
TS Lura <tsl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "ooh, that's
> cool"

It's the poor man's Apple, without all the caveats, controls and gotchas,
but with a complete toolbox and manual.

You can run it on anything that will run a WinDos (and then some), and you 
will get more reliability with better predictability than aforementioned 

It doesn't do Flash, or other major insecurity vectors like Steem, and when 
it's broke it gets fixed.  

And lastly, it is Free from encumbrance: you can use it in commercial or
proprietary/secure applications, or to run your vibrator for that matter,
without anyone telling you "what to do with it".  

Dhu (just offhand, eh.)

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