I have a daemon process I've written and trying to debug, however,
whenever it crashes, I get no core file.

1. The daemon does a setrlimit of RLIMIT_CORE to RLIM_INFINITY (same as
if I had done "ulimit -H -c unlimited" in the shell before starting the

2. The daemon sets its working directory to /var/tmp, which is writeable
by every one, yet no core file appears. Likewise /var/crash has no core

3. The program does not use file system setuid bits, BUT does use the
setuid() et al. system calls to drop privileges from root to some other
user (which can write into /var/tmp).

4. A find / -name '*.core' finds nothing anywhere.

5. I've even tried sysctl kern.nosuidcoredump=0 and
kern.nosuidcoredump=2 thinking that the setuid family of system
functions might be resetting a flag when I drop privileges.

6. Even forcing a SIGABRT, which should produce a core, does not create

What am I missing in order to get a daemon process on OpenBSD to dump
core when it crashes?

Anthony C Howe            Skype: SirWumpus                  SnertSoft
+33 6 11 89 73 78       Twitter: SirWumpus      BarricadeMX & Milters
http://snert.com/      http://nanozen.info/     http://snertsoft.com/

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