On 2/28/2010 12:02 PM, Andres Salazar wrote:
On some machines I get a compile time of 45min, other machines 30min..
and the best of the case I get 30min.   Sometimes that machine that
takes 45min is far better hardware then a DualCore, in this case a
QuadCore with SATA II/sata...

None of us will likely be able to tell you why, you'll have to figure out what part is the bottleneck in your setup, assuming you have identical configurations software-wise. (softep? Partition layout? Version?)

I don't know if building userland will take advantage of multiple CPUs, so if your quad has slower cores than your dual, that might be a big hint.

Iam going to use these machines for database and Iam very concerned
about these results

These results will be largely irrelevant for your database load. However, learning how to use the available tools to find the bottleneck will be useful in finding the bottlenecks in your database system.

Is there a better way to benchmark the IO of a Hard Disk on OpenBSD ,
what should be the normal of a hard disk scanned as sd SATA/ SATA II
with similar CPU/RAM as mentioned?

The best way to benchmark the I/O will be to set up your database with some clients and run your workload. Otherwise, you'll spend your time finding the fastest disk subsystem, only to discover that wasn't your bottleneck anyway.

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