On 3/5/10, Christiano F. Haesbaert <haesba...@haesbaert.org> wrote:
> 2010/3/5 nixlists <nixmli...@gmail.com>:
>  > ....
> > Also unrelated, but I am using FireFox in this install to write this
>  > message and it is painfully slow. This is on an Athlon 64 X2 4200+. I
>  > am using .mp kernel. Is it supposed to be this slow? It is using about
>  > 16% CPU with only one tab open.
>  >
> Put your gmail account in "old style", I had the same problem, it's a
>  gmail issue.

Not specific to gmail, I don't think. FF just seems very slow in
OpenBSD for some reason.

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