Downloaded yesterday afternoon and installed it on a Dell Latitude D420. dmesg at if you want to see it.

Performed the following steps taken from 'man release' [full output can be seen at ]:

[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd /usr
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cvs -d checkout -P src
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd /sys/arch/i386/conf
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> config GENERIC
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd ../compile/GENERIC/
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> make clean && make depend && make
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> make install
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd /usr/obj
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> rm -rf *
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd /usr/src
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> make obj
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd /usr/src/etc && env DESTDIR=/ make distrib-dirs
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd /usr/src
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> make build
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> export DESTDIR=/usr/dest
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> export RELEASEDIR=/usr/release
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> mkdir $DESTDIR $RELEASEDIR
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> cd /usr/src/etc
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> make release

/usr/src and /usr/obj were empty at the start of the above, I checked.

and here's the tail end of typescript3, where make release failed.

crunchgen -h  -k _crunched_hostname_stub hostname.lo
cc -static -o instbin instbin.o dd.lo mount_cd9660.lo df.lo mount.lo mount_ext2fs.lo arch.lo restore.lo stty.lo ln.lo disklabel.lo pax.lo ping.lo cat.lo ifconfig.lo ls.lo rtsol.lo ping6.lo sysctl.lo kbd.lo less.lo fdisk.lo grep.lo umount.lo mount_msdos.lo mount_udf.lo sha256.lo fsck.lo ccdconfig.lo mknod.lo installboot.lo route.lo ftp.lo reboot.lo mount_ffs.lo dhclient.lo ed.lo cp.lo gzip.lo chmod.lo fsck_ffs.lo init.lo newfs.lo apmd.lo rm.lo mt.lo mkdir.lo sed.lo ksh.lo bioctl.lo sleep.lo mv.lo apm.lo dmesg.lo hostname.lo -L/usr/dest/usr/lib -L/usr/src/distrib/special/libstubs/obj -lstubs -lutil -lotermcap -ll -lm -ldes
strip instbin
strip -R .comment instbin
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/image.30725 bs=512 count=3800
3800+0 records in
3800+0 records out
1945600 bytes transferred in 0.029 secs (66017441 bytes/sec)
vnconfig -v -c svnd0 /var/tmp/image.30725
svnd0: 1945600 bytes on /var/tmp/image.30725
disklabel -w svnd0 rdroot
newfs -m 0 -o space -i 4096 /dev/rsvnd0a
newfs: reduced number of fragments per cylinder group from 944 to 928 to enlarge last cylinder group
/dev/rsvnd0a: 1.9MB in 3800 sectors of 512 bytes
5 cylinder groups of 0.45MB, 116 blocks, 128 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
32, 960, 1888, 2816, 3744,
fsck /dev/rsvnd0a
** /dev/rsvnd0a
** File system is clean; not checking
mount /dev/svnd0a /mnt
mtree -def /usr/src/distrib/i386/ramdisk_cd/../../miniroot/mtree.conf -p /mnt/ -u
.:      gid (0, 1000, modified)
missing: ./bin (created)
missing: ./dev (created)
missing: ./etc (created)
missing: ./etc/ppp (created)
missing: ./etc/firmware (created)
missing: ./mnt (created)
missing: ./mnt2 (created)
missing: ./sbin (created)
missing: ./tmp (created)
missing: ./usr (created)
missing: ./usr/bin (created)
missing: ./usr/mdec (created)
missing: ./usr/sbin (created)
missing: ./usr/share (created)
missing: ./usr/share/misc (created)
missing: ./usr/share/keymaps (created)
missing: ./var (created)
missing: ./var/tmp (created)
missing: ./var/db (created)
missing: ./var/run (created)
missing: ./var/empty (created)
missing: ./var/hash (created)
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/src/distrib/i386/ramdisk_cd (line 120 of /usr/src/distrib/i386/ramdisk_cd/../common/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/distrib/i386 (line 48 of /usr/share/mk/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/distrib (line 48 of /usr/share/mk/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/etc (line 296 of Makefile).
[r...@zombie(OpenBSD)]> exit

Script done on Sun Mar  7 10:51:19 2010

Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX

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