On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Marc Espie <es...@nerim.net> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 09:40:30AM -0600, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> > OMG!! running multiple daemons???  Wow why didn't I think of that??
> >
> > I *love* OS overhead on misbehaving hardware emulation because it is
> > what "the industry" prescribes.  Don't forget the 50% hit on I/O speed
> > because that is what every enterprise needs.  And lets not forget the
> > windows only license servers combined with "management" tools that also
> > run only on windows and IE.  Virtualization is sooooo awesome.
> >
> It's more that the current industry standard kind-of is apache, or
> "enterprise
> shit" based on jakarta AND multiple boxen.
> solutions to the web server issues, such as using fastci +
> nginx/lighthttpd,
> only start to become more or less well-spread.
> And of course, all the time investment of the so-called sys-admins who
> learnt
> how to configure big apache/jakarta installations would go down the drain.
> Can't have that. They need to protect their investment.
I can think of one good reason I need a vm machine:
So I can put OpenBSD on the Xserves, and run OSX in the vm for mac-only
apps the client requires.

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