Hello everyone,

I'd like to set a (monthly) bandwidth quota limit to my Apache virtualhosts.
For instance, domain.com would have an amount of 10G/Month bandwidth limit
(and in case of exceeding the limit, it'd get redirected to a "Bandwidth limit
exceeded" alert page.)

Apache doesn't come with such a feature. I tried mod_cband. It was quite
unstable, has too many bugs, issues. (Dozens of unfixed security issues, bugs
since few years: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=154335&atid=791368
), there is no more development for that module and it is abandoned by its
developer. I tried some other modules such as mod_bandwidth, mod_curb, mod_bw,
but no luck. Pretty old and 'expired' modules.

Neither using PF w/ ALTQ helped, because I'm using name-based virtual hosts.
(Multiple domains on a single shared IP address).

The system is OpenBSD 4.6 with Apache 1.3 (the default chroot'd one).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards.

CzgC<r KazanC'C'D1
Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science,
The West University of Timisoara / Romania.

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