I've written setup scripts (took a while though) for my different systems
which will never be as quick as the upgrade process but I've got it reasonably
quick and means I can keep moving forward like the openbsd project does,
switch between current, stable and snapshots  without a sudden need to spend
time on an unexpected install, whilst keeping clean systems, reduce cross
contamination (though more likely a concern in firefox profile etc.). It also
means I can run tests easily and setup remote servers with less upload time,
the sysmerge code helped me, thanks go to "ajacoutot".

p.s. I did some speed comparisons using apachebench and apache on i386 and
amd64. I only have one fairly old amd64 system at the mo and plan on more
testing later on the server hardware when I have more demand on my server.

I found i386 way outperformed amd64 and was going to publish the results, but
i386 won on every aspect so theres not much point and I will try other newer
hardware to confirm at some point.

I also found whilst the requests per second stayed the same for 4.6 to 4.7
(web page) the throughput doubled (cpu bottlenecked).


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