On 05/07/10 11:20, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> There is an overall system limit, set with sysctl
> kern.maxfiles=n,
> current in-use fds can be displayed with sysctl kern.nfiles.
> There is also a per-process limit.  Processes inherit the limits from
> the parent process, but can change the lmits via system calls (with
> restrictions for non-seuperuser processes).
> Reading what you described above, it looks like you hit the
> system-wide limit.

Ok, so two processes started from the same shell won't take away
descriptors from each other?

for example:

$ ulimit -n 50
$ use_40_fds &
$ use_maby_fds   # <- this process can use 10 or 50 fds ??



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