[I consider it better to open a new thread, since the title, and part of the content, of the previous one was superseded.]

Having upgraded one machine (amd64) from 4.6 to 4.7, using the normal upgrade procedure as outlined in http://openbsd.org/faq/upgrade47.html to the dot, after the reboot it showed that the files contained in base47.tar were not installed. All other sets apparently did get installed. This led to some out-of-sync problems with pfctl, by which this failure was noticed. (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.openbsd.misc/174272)

While waiting for some details, and trying to recapitulate what went wrong, I did the same procedure to an i386 machine, apparently with identical result: The base47 files are missing; there are still the previous files from base46 in the machine. As far as I can make out, all other sets installed perfectly well.

Since this happened on two physical machines of different architecture, and in both cases by meticulously following the upgrade guide with the boot bsd.rd mechanism, it cannot be excluded that there is a weakness in the installer. There was no error message, on the contrary, all looked okay, including the installation of the sets.

There is one more machine (amd64) that needs to be upgraded. Before I do this, I rather solicit suggestions on how to log the upgrade process, debug it, or otherwise.

I do not state at all, that the observed behaviour affects all installations, nor anyone else. It still points to a potential weakness, since both machines run nothing but standard OpenBSD, and have been upgraded through all previous versions using the same method since 3.8; until now without fail.


As preliminary evidence, I have attached randomly selected files from the tar-sets that were found to differ in 4.6 and 4.7. The first line shows the extraction of those files from the archives used for installation, the subsequent lines show the calculations of their md5 sums, firstly in the user directory; followed by the md5 sums of those files as installed by the upgrade process. (For misc and xfonts no files were found (non-exhaustive search) that differed in 4.6 and 4.7) The '$' prompt is on the machine containing the archives, followed by the '#' prompt, which is on the respective machine to which 4.7 was installed.

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/base47.tgz ./sbin/pfctl
$ md5 sbin/pfctl
MD5 (sbin/pfctl) = 7720c9a4dc100fe29d2d3c4a16954eb4 <== archive
# md5 /sbin/pfctl
MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 3e1fa4f69809adff432f9da62010a6a7 <== upgraded
$ md5 /sbin/pfctl
MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 3e1fa4f69809adff432f9da62010a6a7 <== 4.6

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/comp47.tgz ./var/db/libc.tags
$ md5 var/db/libc.tags
MD5 (var/db/libc.tags) = ef05ce6515665eff14618c02c4678edc <== archive
# md5 /var/db/libc.tags
MD5 (/var/db/libc.tags) = ef05ce6515665eff14618c02c4678edc <== upgraded
$ md5 /var/db/libc.tags
MD5 (/var/db/libc.tags) = d3e2a489d70cd3f0d91fef538f4ebfd1 <== 4.6

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/game47.tgz ./usr/games/morse
$ md5 usr/games/morse
MD5 (usr/games/morse) = 61157239de35061df71e7be2e17a9471 <== archive
# md5 /usr/games/morse
MD5 (/usr/games/morse) = 61157239de35061df71e7be2e17a9471 <== upgraded
$ md5 /usr/games/morse
MD5 (/usr/games/morse) = ee30c2129ceac343438ea03a9efa2fe5 <== 4.6

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/man47.tgz ./usr/share/man/ps8/loongson
$ md5 usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/
MD5 (usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e <== archive
# md5 /usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/
MD5 (/usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e <== 
$ md5 /usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/
md5: cannot open /usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/: No such file or directory <== 4.6


$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/xbase47.tgz ./usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db
$ md5 usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db
MD5 (usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db) = a6ebdd66fe58b66136c9fdfc9eca1c5d <== archive
# md5 /usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db) = a6ebdd66fe58b66136c9fdfc9eca1c5d <== upgraded
$ md5 /usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db) = 01e11bb37c523bc6fe8c37e139f6fe41 <== 4.6

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/xetc47.tgz ./var/db/sysmerge/xetcsum
$ md5 var/db/sysmerge/xetcsum
MD5 (var/db/sysmerge/xetcsum) = 374865b6f2b5a34b64148bfe6746cfd0 <== archive
# md5 /var/db/sysmerge/xetcsum
md5: cannot open /var/db/sysmerge/xetcsum: No such file or directory <== 
$ md5 /var/db/sysmerge/xetcsum
md5: cannot open /var/db/sysmerge/xetcsum: No such file or directory <== 4.6


$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/xserv47.tgz 
$ md5 usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so
MD5 (usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so) = e7caa1ee3691a40c40f994dfb210738c 
<== archive
# md5 /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so) = 
e7caa1ee3691a40c40f994dfb210738c<== upgraded
$ md5 /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so) = f31e33e835d6361800553b7a74eb0bf2 
<== 4.6

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/amd64/xshare47.tgz ./usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids
$ md5 usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids
MD5 (usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids) = 4f25889b608e7d9ba54e3904cc22d969 <== archive
# md5 /usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids) = 4f25889b608e7d9ba54e3904cc22d969 <== upgraded
$ md5 /usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids) = 48feb928ed568b380f63a904e099a87e <== 4.6

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/i386/base47.tgz ./sbin/pfctl
$ md5 sbin/pfctl
MD5 (sbin/pfctl) = d9db01cc42e88ac827e5062c7b141d34 <== archive
# md5 /sbin/pfctl
MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 5475de97e9aa2a76678da2f02fbdad9d <== upgraded

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/i386/base47.tgz ./sbin/pfctl
$ md5 var/db/libc.tags
MD5 (var/db/libc.tags) = 877f50cf022baa15cebdec89a937b0c5 <== archive
# md5 /var/db/libc.tags
MD5 (/var/db/libc.tags) = 877f50cf022baa15cebdec89a937b0c5 <== upgraded

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/i386/game47.tgz ./usr/games/morse
$ md5 usr/games/morse
MD5 (usr/games/morse) = 258c848f9975ebeb252c15bce9ed9920 <== archive
# md5 /usr/games/morse
MD5 (/usr/games/morse) = 258c848f9975ebeb252c15bce9ed9920 <== upgraded

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/i386/man47.tgz ./usr/share/man/ps8/loongson
$ md5 usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/
MD5 (usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e <== archive
# md5 /usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/
MD5 (/usr/share/man/ps8/loongson/) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e <== 


$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/i386/xbase47.tgz ./usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db
$ md5 usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db
MD5 (usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db) = e6bea4479ed31cfe59072a7e90a913c7 <== archive
# md5 /usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db) = e6bea4479ed31cfe59072a7e90a913c7 <== upgraded


$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/i386/xserv47.tgz 
$ md5 usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so
MD5 (usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so) = 96d210a275277d1834cfac3945e62068 
<== archive
# md5 /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so) = 96d210a275277d1834cfac3945e62068 
<== upgraded

$ tar xzf /home/ftp/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/i386/xshare47.tgz ./usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids
$ md5 usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids
MD5 (usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids) = 4f25889b608e7d9ba54e3904cc22d969 <== archive
# md5 /usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids
MD5 (/usr/X11R6/share/pci.ids) = 4f25889b608e7d9ba54e3904cc22d969 <== upgraded

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