On 3/06/2010, at 9:02 PM, Richard Toohey wrote:

> On 3/06/2010, at 8:42 PM, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> [cut]
>> No, that seriously turns me off. I have given everything in detail
>> that I came across, I have not been silent about any additional
>> message, any unusual activity. I have stated a few times that I
>> followed the upgrade procedure to the dot, I have confirmed that
>> nothing unusual showed.
> [cut]
> <quote>everything in detail ... I have not been silent</unquote>
> I think that is the point that people are trying to make - you've sent
> so much to the list that it is hard to keep up.  The people who can
> help may not want to wade through 20 emails to keep up with you.
> Take a deep breath.  Take a 4.6 CD install on a spare clean machine and
> upgrade via the CD.   Problem there?  Yes/no.
> Start again with the 4.6 CD a CLEAN install, upgrade via your normal
> to 4.7.  Is the issue there?  Yes/no.
> And then follow the other suggestions from minds wiser than mine.
> So far as you are aware, if you upgrade amd64 from a 4.6 CD to a 4.7 via
> your normal upgrade process, there are issues - correct?  If so, I've got
> a spare amd64 box to try on, but to be honest I'm a bit intimated by the
> volume of mail you've sent - I'm losing the thread.
OK, I've tried it and cannot reproduce what you see.  I've never done
an upgrade from bsd.rd before, so wanted to give it a go.

Obviously something different with your set-up, or where you got the files
from, or factor X - but as other people have said, they can't guess what.

In short - the basic bsd.rd "follow these instructions" worked for me here.

OK, I start with 4.6 amd64 (either 4.6 or just pre-4.6 release)

uname -a
OpenBSD dellamd64.home 4.6 GENERIC#0 amd64

But before I upgrade, what's /sbin/pfctl?

$ ls -l /sbin/pfctl
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin  492664 Dec  3 23:12 /sbin/pfctl
$ md5 /sbin/pfctl
MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 3e1fa4f69809adff432f9da62010a6a7


"One easy way to boot from the install kernel is to place the 4.7 version of
bsd.rd in the root of your boot drive, then instruct the
 boot loader to boot using this new bsd.rd file. On amd64 and i386, you do
this by entering "boot bsd.rd" at the initial boot> prompt."

OK, I'll get the bsd.rd from the 4.7 release CD (but could have used FTP.)

/usr/bin/su root
mv /bsd.rd /bsd46.rd
mount /dev/cd0a /mnt/
cp /mnt/4.7/amd64/bsd.rd /bsd.rd
umount /mnt
eject /dev/cd0a
... boot > boot bsd.rd
... Welcome to the OpenBSD/amd64 4.7 installation program.
... I choose upgrade ... take defaults all the way until ...
Location of sets?  [What do I do here?  I'll try http, and take the defaults.
What did YOU do here?]
bsd, bsd.rd, base47.tgz, misc47.tgz, comp47.tgz, man47.tgz, game47.tgz,
xshare47.tgz, xfont47.tgz, xserv47.tgz ... all get to 100% no errors.
... rest of install, reboot ...
$ uname -a
OpenBSD dellamd64.home 4.7 GENERIC#112 amd64
$ ls -l /sbin/pfctl
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin  500856 Mar 18 15:36 /sbin/pfctl
$ md5 /sbin/pfctl
MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 7720c9a4dc100fe29d2d3c4a16954eb4

> HTH.
> Thanks.

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