On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Uwe Dippel <udip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Philip Guenther <guenther <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> Please point to the part of the Upgrade Guide which talks about
>> building from source, untarring the src tar file, or applying errata.
>> I can't seem to find any such reference, but I'm sure it's in there
>> somewhere, because you originally said that you did the upgrade
>> exactly following the upgrade guide and, as we found out later, your
>> steps included building from source.
> You misread what I did.

Unfortunately, I read your first five message exactly, in which say
you upgraded but completely fail to mention building from source or
patching.  It was only in the last message of the original thread you
mention patching, though you didn't describe the process you used at
that point.

> I was following the Upgrade Guide to the dot, following
> "Applying patches in OpenBSD" to the dot,

This thread perhaps wouldn't have happened if you hadn't waited until
your 13th message to describe that last part.  You now have and now it
seems the core discussion is just about whether (or where) an
additional "rm -rf /usr/obj/*" should be added to help people that
know enough to set up the source tree for building/patching by
untaring src.tar.gz but don't know to remove the obj tree at the same
time.  <shurg>  I'm just glad to hear that it's PEBCAK instead of some
bizarre bug in the kernel or installer.

Philip Guenther

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