Many thanks for the reply's folks much appreciated. Let me give you a little 
more detail on what we do as this will explain why this is needed.

We have created a perl script that launches an 'ICMP ping' which is configured 
for 1 ping per second with a 1 second timeout max 60 pings. When the ping 
completes we collect the results and the perl script immediately relaunches the 
ping process and everything continues. So with this we have constant pinging of 
a remote host once per second with data collected every minute. This data is 
then stored in an RRD for later analysis through CACTI. Baseline Latency (over 
last 3hours) and 5min Latency along with packetloss and recorded and alerted 
upon etc.

I need to test the link through _all_ the firewalls _all_ the time to the same 
end hosts, in truth we actually monitor between 20 and 30 remote systems, so 
given the constant pings been set mangling the default GW each time is simply 
not possible. 

The remote hosts need to be to same so as to eliminate them from the testing 
i.e. if the pinger to remote host X through firewall 1 shows packet loss but no 
others do then its an issue centred around firewall 1 and its connections _not_ 
remote host X.

By using rdomains I can in theory achieve this as I can gain multiple default 
GW's and need simply to choose the rdomain to use when issuing the ping.

Now I appreciate that the way we monitor may seems excessive to some however 
reason for this is due to the nature of our business and customer type, e-
gaming. Think 500k plus users all sending v small tcp packets at huge rates, 
their connections being distributed across the multiple firewalls for capacity 
and resilience reasons. If one of these firewalls or its connections falters in 
any way we need to know quickly to prevent large scale customer disruption. 

This approach has been in use for the past 2 years, all be it with multiple 
hosts originating the pings and has proven itself time and time again as 
invaluable as a means of early fault detection. We regularly inform our transit 
providers L3/TIS/MCI of issues on their network long before they are aware.

With the introduction of rdomains in 4.6 this seemed perfect for our monitoring 
needs as it would allow us to reduce down the sheer number of boxes us to 
achieve our monitoring.

Thanks for posts so far and rest assured I always insist we do buy a copy of 
release cd's for every machine we run OBSD on.


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