Little status update.  We got one laptop ordered (thanks everyone!) and
are a few hundred short of the next.  So if you care about these bugs
please pony up ;-)


On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 12:52:35PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> I have got a few pledges for hp laptops.  I have gotten good (as in bad)
> test reports of the following models that fail one way or another:
> * HP eb8730w
> * HP nw9440
> * HP Mini 5102
> * HP 530
> I think we have 2 major acpi issues with these.  One of them looks like
> an aml bug where we don't dereference an object deep enough and some
> thermal zone issues.  Unfortunately it seems that these are 2 distinct
> issues and therefore potentially require 2 laptops to figure them out.
> The laptops in question are relatively cheap on ebay so I think we can
> make do with about $800USD worth for 2 machines.
> One of these machines fails to boot; different class of bug but very
> interesting nonetheless to fix.
> I am 25% there with pledges.  So if you are interested in getting these
> 2 bugs fixed send me an email with the pledge amount. I won't accept
> cash until we have enough to actually order machines.
> Oh and so that you know once these bugs are fixed we'll try to make
> these laptops suspend and resume (an entire different beast!).  And
> after that the laptops will go to a developer who needs a laptop to work
> on.
> Please contact me at and not on the list.

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