Hi, I installed OpenBSD 4.7 for web hosting (test). So i have 3 websites for 3 users (1 site per user) : www.first.xx (user : firstxx) www.2nd.xx (user : 2ndxx) www.third.xx (user : thirdxx)
All web pages are stored in /var/www/domains/ So in /var/www/domains we have 3 folders : www.first.xx folder (owner : firstxx ; chmod 755) www.2nd.xx folder (owner : 2ndxx ; chmod 755) www.third.xx folder (owner : thirdxx ; chmod 755) i used ftpd (-4Dln) for users to upload their website(with /etc/ftpchroot configured). My problem, user can see content of others. For example, 2ndxx can update his folder but he can see also the content of "firstxx" folder. How can i restrict that ? thank's.