On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Marcus wrote:

> how to fix fstab in single user mode for bootable "Live" USB drive
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#flashmemLive
> says:
> If your target machine has an ahci(4) or SCSI interface, you will
> probably find your USB drive's identifier changing. Having multiple
> versions of your /etc/fstab file may make this easier to "fix" (in
> single user mode).
> Install OpenBSD to USB drive in a notbook.   the usb drive is
> recognized as "sd1"
> Now put the USB drive into another PC an boot from USB. the usb dirve
> is recognized as "sd0".

What *I* do is this:
$ sudo config -ef /bsd
-> then disable ahci.


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