
In older version, i used a script to modify the fstab during the boot,
something like : root_device=$(dmesg | awk '/root_device/ { print $1 });
perl -pe s/sd0/${root_device}/f -i /etc/fstab, looking for root_device in
Sadly, we can't use root_device directly inside the fstab :(

vi won't work until you remount as read / write :mount -u


2010/8/27 Bryan Irvine <sparcta...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 5:38 AM, Marcus <f5b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > how to fix fstab in single user mode for bootable "Live" USB drive
> >
> > http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#flashmemLive
> > says:
> > If your target machine has an ahci(4) or SCSI interface, you will
> > probably find your USB drive's identifier changing. Having multiple
> > versions of your /etc/fstab file may make this easier to "fix" (in
> > single user mode).
> >
> > Install OpenBSD to USB drive in a notbook.   the usb drive is
> > recognized as "sd1"
> >
> > Now put the USB drive into another PC an boot from USB. the usb dirve
> > is recognized as "sd0".
> >
> > in the single user mode.
> > "fsck -p / && mount -uw /"   not work
> > "fsck -p /usr && mount /usr" not work
> > "vi /etc/fstab" not work.
> >
> > question:
> > how to mount root / writable and active vi editor?
> Without looking, I'd guess that you need to change the last step to
> env TERM=vt100 vi /etc/fstab

 No doubt it is one of the functions of art to replace religious faith by
the effective ingredient of beauty. At least beauty must have the power of a
poem, that is to say of a crime.

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