On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 04:33:03PM +0200, Martin Schrvder wrote:
> 2010/9/27 Brad Tilley <b...@16systems.com>:
> >> The absence of reports doesn't prove that the flaws don't exist (and
> >> no, I'm not sitting on a 0day for OpenBSD :).
> >
> > I agree. I only meant that history shows Linux has these and OpenBSD has
> > not (or very few in comparison). That does not mean OpenBSD is perfect
> No. History only shows that many more have been found and published in
> Linux than in OpenBSD.

True, but considering some of the "haha Theo suck on this" commentary I
recall from the rare case where OpenBSD *did* have an issue, this does
not necessarily reflect a total lack of effort.


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