On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 12:29 PM, C. Bensend <be...@bennyvision.com> wrote:
>>> I'm  a FreeBSD user (a very little experience with openbsd in the past),
>>> but i'm kind of interested in any bsd flavour (i like *nix, but dislike
>>> linux for some reasons).
>>> So, the question is if there is any positive experience with using
>>> OpenBSD on modern netbooks of the following:
>>> 1) Samsung N127
>>> 2) ASUS Eee PC 900AX
>>> 3) MSI U120-094
>>> Or any other models with 10" monitor and 4+ battery lifetime?
>>> By positive i mean mainly correctly & stable working wireless.
>>> If nothing fits, please give me a recommendation which usb wireless card
>>> should i use.
> I'm pretty happy with my Asus Eee PC 1005PE.  Wireless, graphics,
> sound, touchpad and keyboard all work perfectly fine.
> Bluetooth works acceptably, although I need to re-pair my mouse
> each time I boot.  I dual-boot, so I'm not in OpenBSD all the
> time, but I'm pretty happy with it.  Power management needs some
> help, but I haven't dug into that any further as of yet (fan
> runs constantly, acpitz overtemp until I disable the driver in
> the kernel, things like that).
> All in all, I've been happy with this netbook under OpenBSD.
> Benny
> --
> "Because you have arms like noodles, while I am vigorous and
> burly."                               -- Hodgins, "Bones"

I've written a few ramdisk kernels to do this and collect
dmesgs/sysctl -a/pcidump/usbdev reports from the machines. So far, the
HP Mini 210-1000 models seem to look like they're the best supported
from what I could find (not so for the Mini 110 series).

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