On not seeing some expected log messages, I wrote this test program 'log.c':

   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <syslog.h>

   main (int argc, char **argv)
      openlog("logtest", 0, 0);
             "hello1: via LOG_MAKPRI.\n");
      syslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, "hello2: via bitwise-or.\n");
      syslog(LOG_INFO, "hello3: via level only.\n");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

and compiled it with 'gcc -o log log.c'.  On Debian 'Squeeze' all
three messages appear in the log.  On OpenBSD 4.7 only the last two
appear in the log.

So it looks like LOG_MAKEPRI and syslogd are not on speaking terms.
LOG_MAKEPRI is not documented in syslog(3) but is present in syslog.h.

LOG_MAKEPRI doesn't appear in
Does LOG_MAKEPRI have any status in terms of standards?

Would it be better for it to be removed or redefined to issue a
preprocessor error?

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