Hi, I just installed an OpenBSD 4.7. 

Now i want to update it to 4.7
-current what i ve done : cd /usr/src ; tar zxvf src.tar.gz ; tar zxvf

cd /usr 

export cvsroot=anon...@anoncvs.fr.openbsd.org:/cvs

cvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -P src 

cd /usr/src cvs -d $CVSROOT up -Pd

when this last is done, i start to compile kernel : cd

config GENERIC 

cd ../compile/GENERIC 


I have this error : rm -f eddep *bsd *bsd.gdb tags *.[io] [a-z]*.s
[Ee]rrs linterrs assym.h 

I don't understand why it doesn't work. If
someone can help me. thanks

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