

I'm doing some tests with OpenBGPd and sometimes (but often), when I
restart bgpd it does not send anymore the routes to the peer.
The routes are static and configured into bgpd.conf

How to repeat:
# bgpd -d -v
wait until the routes are sent to the peer.
shoot again

After few tests (around 5), bgpd does not send the routes :

# bgpctl sh rib out nei RenaterV4 
flags: * = Valid, > = Selected, I = via IBGP, A = Announced
origin: i = IGP, e = EGP, ? = Incomplete

flags destination          gateway          lpref   med aspath origin

But it gets the incoming routes from the peer

# bgpctl sh rib in nei RenaterV4  
flags: * = Valid, > = Selected, I = via IBGP, A = Announced
origin: i = IGP, e = EGP, ? = Incomplete

flags destination          gateway          lpref   med aspath origin
*      100     0 2200 i

# bgpctl sh nei
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 2200
 Description: RenaterV4
  BGP version 4, remote router-id
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:20:14
  Last read 00:00:13, holdtime 90s, keepalive interval 30s
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Multiprotocol extensions: IPv4 unicast
    Route Refresh
    4-byte AS numbers

  Message statistics:
                  Sent       Received  
  Opens                    5          1
  Notifications            0          0
  Updates                  0          1
  Keepalives              41         41
  Route Refresh            0          0
  Total                   46         43

  Update statistics:
                  Sent       Received  
  Updates                  0          1
  Withdraws                0          0

  Local host:, Local port:  42098
  Remote host:, Remote port:   179

(same for the "renaterV6" peer)




Any help will be nice. Thanks regards.

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