Hello all,

Recently, my lazy ass went from 4.6-current snap to the most recent
4.8-current snap (#647: Fri Nov 26, amd64). Machine in question is
mostly a local file server, NFS to a few Macs. I say mostly, 'cause it
does some other stuff, and sits in a DMZ.

Since the upgrade to 4.8, I'm unable to read /some/ files from the nfs
server to the macs. I say some, because in testing I've been able to
ascertain the following:

1. I can write any size file from the mac to the nfs server. No issue.
2. I can write a small file (like 5 KiB), and read it back to the Mac.
3. I can write a large file (like 700 MiB), and cannot read it back to
the Mac.
4. I am unable to read any previously existing files on the NFS share to
the Mac, whether they be large, or small.

Because the machine is in a DMZ, I made sure to disable the
DMZ->Internal filtering rules and stuff to rule out any stupidity.
Traffic dumps show no blocked packets.

While grasping at straws, I set vfs.nfs.iothreads=4. The
Mac is mounting the share as -o resvport,hard,intr,nolock.

The troubleshooting results thus far are just erratic enough to have me
believe it's nothing I've done; nothing is making sense. I'm basically
looking for corroboration here. Can anyone else replicate this?

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