Jan Stary wrote:
> I am experiencing something similar on 4.8-current (server) and MacOSX
> 10.5.8 (client). I suspect the MacOSX to be the quilty one, as no other
> NFS client shows any of these symptoms.
> From the mac, I can write a file to the (auto)mounted share (/media)
> and read it back, but I cannot read any of the files that existed there
> before I mounted. A simple 'cat /media/.../file.txt' results in nothing
> (the command is still running); after a while, a window pops up saying
> 'Server connection interrupted: media [Disconnect]'. I can _list_ the
> content of the mounted share though.
> I am (auto)mounting it with -resvport,noauto,nodev,noexec,noatime.
> No filtering is done in between the boxes; they are on the same LAN,
> pf is not running. I need to look at what exactly the mac firewall is
> doing I guess.
>       Jan

Thanks Jan, that sounds a lot like what I'm seeing on several 10.6.5 OSX
clients. To be sure, it's the Mac clients with the issue; I've been able
to mount the share on another OpenBSD machine on the network and it
functions normally.

Whatever the issue, it was unexposed using any previous snapshots, and in
my case, there is no OSX firewall involved. I'm gonna start dumping
traffic at the OSX clients and see if I can find something there.

In the meantime, anyone have any recall of recent-ish changes to the NFS
code? I'm gonna start combing through src-changes now...


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