Sorry folks,

I was to quick in posting. Here are the details: I've installed from
what is (was) today on snapshots on ftp server. Then I used the same
ftp snapshot mirror for packages. That's all, no CVS, no compile, just
plain install from what is (was) on snapshots - base & packages.
This was after a long pause of using OpenBSD as a desktop, I was using
it only as a router. I had to do this to give a try to Ubuntu, but I
was disappointed with it and came back to old and stable stuff. I did
the same install like in the old times, get the snapshot and go.
First, my ATI HD4350 refused to startx, effectively putting my display
in some unusable state: I had to remove power from display to get it
back online. I searched the archive and found out that Xorg became a
"joke" since Intel put some code in it. Too sad.
Then I got the messages about symbol size mismatch. I've installed
empathy but got some strange messages like Cannot execute the script
... (not a manual?) and empathy refused to start being unable to load
some files. Now I replaced the ATI HD4350 with ATI X1650 and
managed to get X working.
Are there new things in snapshot which I don't know ? Should I wait
for another compile of packages, to have a date close to the base
compile time ?
If X is so crappy, is there another thing to use ?

Many thanks.

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