Il 13/12/10 10.23, Bret Lambert ha scritto:
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:14 AM, MERIGHI Marcus<>
wrote: (Jan Stary), 2010.12.13 (Mon) 09:15 (CET):
On Dec 13 12:01:58, OpenBSD Geek wrote:
I have 100 users in groups : clients, and ftp_group
How can i remove these 100 users from ftp_group ?
I have already try usermod, but it only add users to group, not remove.
Is there a way to achieve my task ?
Sadly, no. These users will be members of these groups forever.
There's nothing you can do about it. You can only reinstall.
And do not forget to wipe your hard disk to make sure you have a clean

Jan, you just brightened my monday morning, thanks!

On the more serious side and for the OP: how about the unix way of
combining simple tools to accomplish more complex tasks:
1) use id(1) to get the groups
2a) use sed(1) to get rid of the unwanted ones
2b) use tr(1) to get a newline seperated list and grep(1) to get rid of
    the unwanted groups.
3) use tr(1) again to transform the new list to a format suitable for
4) feed ``usermod -G'' the new list.

OR just ``vi /etc/groups''.

You're all wrong. We obviously need XML user databases.

XML? Are you talking about the best system to create database on file not human readable? :) But talking about user databases, would not be better JSON or BSON ? geez! Anyway to answer the question, /there's more than one way to/ accomplish this task.'s the key to solve the problem.

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