On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 04:10:13PM +0200, Stefano Balzan wrote:
> Hello everybody,


> I'm running OpenSMTP on a raspberry PI B+ with Arch Linux ARM. Before
> moving to the PI, I ran the same config I now have on the PI on an old amd
> x86 computer.
> I'm not receiving thousands of mails / second so a PI is fine for a very
> small headless server. Plus I don't waste 200W ;)
> I'm unfortunately experiencing an issue with automated startup at boot.
> I've enabled smtpd.service "systemctl enable smtpd" (smtpd.service file has
> not been altered). When the PI boots (once the server will be up and
> running that won't happen very often but it can happen) everything starts
> fine (even nginx and other network related stuff) but smtpd fails.
> Looking to logs with journalctl that's what I find:
> "smtpd: invalid virtual ip or interface: eth0"
> I've no idea why I get such an error, since smtpd service is started "After
> = network.target". Does anyone have any guess?

is smtpd started before nginx and others ?
does it fail if started after the others ?

> I've thought it may has something to do with system time since at boot time
> is set to 01/01/70 until network connection is established but I don't
> think that's the cause.

unlikely yes

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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