
Since I upgraded my freebsd 9 jail with the latest opensmtpd 5.4.4_1,1 port,
smtp-out refuse to send any email to the outside world.

I've seen a similar issue reported by "Meutel" here, but with no apparent

http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.mail.opensmtpd.general/day=20150211, 2nd post.

Based on ktrace analysis, I believe the faulty code starts at line 210 of
getaddrinfo_async.c in libasr:


This code returns EAI_NONAME if there is no non-loopback interface configured
in the jail. This is my case, as a jail by default has only loopback
interfaces configured (this doesn't prevent connecting to the outside world).

If my analysis is correct, I believe that if no non-loopback interface is
found, the code should also (in a second step) consider loopback interfaces
when selecting IPv4 versus IPv6, instead of just bailing out.

That would make the code more robust.


Cedric Berger
Precidata Sarl
2000 NeuchaLtel
032 930 29 62
079 934 11 02

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