On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 11:11:09 +0200, you wrote:

>>> I’d be up for it. Although I’m still running 5.9 on my mail server, I’m 
>>> thinking of upgrading. I knew that filters are experimental (and really to 
>>> test the API, not the filters themselves), however I’ve decided to use some 
>>> of them and would like to continue doing so. The dnsbl is the one I’d miss 
>>> the most. 
>>> All other functionality in my config uses traditional approach, with 
>>> relaying over smtp to a daemon (spamd, clamav, dkim_proxy, etc) listening 
>>> on lo interface, and all seems to be working fine. 
>> Assuming that that is OpenBSD spamd then I may be able to help you
>> with your dnsbl desire.
>> I have a python script that runs every 15 mins (inside the spamd
>> whitelist time) that checks for new entries, looks them up against a
>> dnsbl and blacklists if appropriate.  Note that this code would be
>> provided "as is" & whilst it works for me I make no guarantees as to
>> anything.  It probably isn't suitable for anything vaguely high
>> volume.
>> A better hack than what I'm doing currently would be to abuse the
>> spamd sync feature which provides a much more timely notification of
>> activity, but I haven't found the round tuits to do it and am unlikely
>> to do so.
>I am very interested in that script as well. Would be great to have a 
>blacklist function in spamd based on RBLs.

OK - I've exported my scripts to github

As stated - these are just what I am using, written by me for my own
use. I may attempt to improve the (frankly non-existant) documentation
over the next couple of days. I don't have a lot of time to maintain
them or add features but I will look kindly on patches and will at
least consider feature requests.

Feel free to copy & adapt for your use



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