
Le 15/05/2017 à 15:46, Mik J a écrit :
> Hello Bruno, Edgar,
> Thank you for sharing
> You wrote domain1.com and domain2.com but you don't use them there after
> pki domain1.com certificate "/etc/smtpd/tls/domain1.com.crt"
> pki domain1.com key "/etc/smtpd/tls/domain1.com.key"
> pki domain2.com certificate "/etc/smtpd/tls/domain2.com.crt"
> pki domain2.com key "/etc/smtpd/tls/domain2.com.key"

Yes, that’s the point, SMTPd auto-selects the correct pki based on the
asked hostname.

> listen on <IP/dev> hostname <defaulthostname> port 25 tls
> Also, could you repeat what is <defaulthostname>, a table of IP
> addresses ?

No, if you use `hostname`, it’s just one hostname to use as default
(when the client does not specify the required hostname).

But if you use `hostnames`, then it implies your listening on a device
with multiple IPs, and in this case indeed this is a table of IP
addresses/hostname association.

> Could you post your complete configuration because I don't understand
> it right now

I can’t show you one with `hostnames` because that’s not my use case,
but here is my (M)WE:

#AES-CBC and DES-CBC3-SHA ciphers because only one availables on some

pki mydefault.host.name certificate "/etc/smtpd/tls/mydefault.host.name.crt"
pki mydefault.host.name key "/etc/smtpd/tls/mydefault.host.name.key"
pki mail.another.host.name1 certificate
pki mail.another.host.name1 key "/etc/smtpd/tls/mail.another.host.name1.key"
pki mail.yetanother.host.name2 certificate
pki mail.yetanother.host.name2 key

# List of aliases for system users
table aliases       file:/etc/smtpd/aliases
# Passwd file for users credentials
table passwd        passwd:/etc/smtpd/passwd
# List of domains for which to accept emails
table vdoms         file:/etc/smtpd/vdoms
# List of existing email adresses and their aliases
table vusers        file:/etc/smtpd/vusers

# Accept connections from outside for delivering emails to local users
(no tls-require [verify] because some servers fail those)
listen on enp1s0f0 port 25 hostname mydefault.host.name tls
# Accept connections from local users to send emails
listen on enp1s0f0 port 587 hostname mydefault.host.name tls-require
auth <passwd> mask-source

# Deliver local messages
accept from local for local alias <aliases> deliver to lmtp
"/var/run/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to
# Deliver incoming emails for local users
accept from any for domain <vdoms> virtual <vusers> deliver to lmtp
"/var/run/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to

# Send emails to the world (no tls [verify] because some servers fail this)
accept from local for any relay hostname mydefault.host.name


vusers (extract/example):
postmas...@host.name    bruno
postmas...@another.host.name1    bruno
postmas...@yetanother.host.name2    bruno

vmail: /dev/null
root: bruno

The `passwd` tables holds… a passwd table of local users. Note that I
use `mail.` subdomains for my MXs.


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