On 31.07.18 10:11, ѽ҉ᶬḳ℠ wrote:
  From cli it is a different ip. Just add a relay via dkim to the
line in question then and see if that works.

So it is but why makes that difference considering the directives -
particularly the [ any ] part should cover any (as in for
instance), or should it not?

accept tagged DKIM for any relay
accept for any relay via smtp://
The default "from" for accept is "from local", which means only
local/authenticated messages were relayed to DKIM.

I suspect was sending without authentication?

                   from  [ !]
                         The rule matches only locally originating
                         This is the default,
                         and may be omitted. gets authenticated by encrypted password over (START)TLS. I
would not permit any client for sending messages without authentication

listen on eth0 inet4 port 587 smtps hostname mail mask-source tag lan

Either you trimmed this config line or you're missing "auth". Otherwise I 
suspect you're running without authentication.

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