Try adding something similar to this to your vusers:

It would help to know what's in your vusers file.

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018, 8:20 PM <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem with forwarding for an email account to an external
> address. I user openbsd version  6.3.
> # cat /etc/mail/userinfo
> ...
> external                 5000:5000:/var/maildir/external
> # cat /var/maildir/caritas/.forward
> # cat /etc/mail/smtpd.conf
> ...
> accept from any recipient !<blacklist-recipients> for domain ""
> virtual <vusers> userbase <userinfo> deliver to maildir
> I'm pretty sure that this configuration has worked a few version before
> but I haven't tested it for quite a while and now it doesn't
> work any more.
> Maybe it is much easier in an other way.
> Can somebody give me a hand? Thanks in advance.
> --
> cheers
> wof
> --
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