Hello Reio,

On 24.08.2018 10:47, Reio Remma wrote:
> What do opensmtpd log entries look like?
> You might want to try running with "smtpctl trace lookup" and see what
> it's actually resolving to etc.

If I run 
smtpctl trace lookup

I get command succeeded. But in /var/log/maillog and /var/log/messages no 
additional message entries are shown.
Do I need something else to see the trace?

A log entry so far is:

Aug 24 13:10:50 biene smtpd[4891]: f02a3171c9dc5025 smtp event=connected 
address= host=mout.kundenserver.de
Aug 24 13:10:50 biene smtpd[4891]: f02a3171c9dc5025 smtp event=starttls 
address= host=mout.kundenserver.de ciphers="version=TLSv1.2, 
cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256"
Aug 24 13:10:50 biene smtpd[4891]: f02a3171c9dc5025 smtp event=failed-command 
address= host=mout.kundenserver.de command="RCPT 
TO:<te...@stachelkaktus.net>" result="550 Invalid recipient"
Aug 24 13:10:50 biene smtpd[4891]: f02a3171c9dc5025 smtp event=closed 
address= host=mout.kundenserver.de reason=quit



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