The passwd option exists actually, but is provided by opensmtpd-extras.

And that’s what I use since it allows keeping the same file for opensmtpd and 


Le 27 août 2018 09:31:54 GMT+02:00, Antonino Sidoti <> a écrit 
>Base on the feedback I am going to use the ‘file’ option for the
>credentials table in my smtpd.conf;
>table passed file:/etc/mail/passwd
>On 27 Aug 2018, at 5:24 pm, Matt Schwartz
><<>> wrote:
>I simply use the file type. For example:
>table credentials file:/etc/mail/credentials.
>I do it this way because it is the simplest form. All I have in the
>credentials file is username:password. Use smtpctl encrypt to generate
>the encrypted password for the user. Finally, use smtpctl update table
>credentials to tell smtpd about the changes.
>On Sun, Aug 26, 2018, 11:35 PM Antonino Sidoti wrote:
>When using a credentials table (man table), what table type do I use
>with regards to using the table in a smtpd.conf configuration?
>I have created this table in my smtpd.conf but I am not sure it is
>table passwd file:/etc/mail/passwd
>Though I have seen a sample configuration from another site using a
>different table type;
>table passwd passwd:/etc/mail/passwd
>Reading the man page, it does not make any reference to the table type
>using ‘passwd’. It only talks about ‘file’ and ‘db’.

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