
I have a mail server "mx1" with this listening section :
listen on egress inet4          \
    tls-require                 \

I have also a server "test" and I would want to authenticate the user when
sending an e-mail to the server "mx1" but I get an error :
test smtpd[9309]: f3880cf18b73253d mta error reason=AUTH rejected: 535
Authentication failed

"test" seems to connect properly on "mx1" but the error does occur on the
user authentication.

Because I can perfectly connect to "mx1" with a MUA like Thunderbird, it
makes me think the error should be located on the opensmtpd "test" secrets
file :
foo f...@mx1.example.org:password

The password is 40 digits long and looks like this :

Can a special character be a problem in the password field ?
If yes, how to deal with it ?

Thanks for your suggestions.

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