Hello Marcus,

Thank you for your advice. It helped me to return to my OpenBSD 6.7

I added to .muttrc this

unset smtp_url
set sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail"

My previous quick try in hurry wasn't successful, because I
overlooked, that the old setting in mutt config, where I just
removed # had "lib" instead of "sbin" in path to the wrapper.

WRONG set sendmail="/usr/lib/sendmail"

Thank you again,

On Wed, Mar 09, 2022 at 09:22:05PM +0100, Jiri Navratil wrote:
> Hello Marcus,
> Thank you for next reply and to be more optimistic then me.
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2022 at 07:35:20PM +0100, Marcus MERIGHI wrote:
> > Hello Jiri!
> > 
> > j...@navratil.cz (Jiri Navratil), 2022.03.08 (Tue) 18:19 (CET):
> > > Thank you for this advice.
> > > I never used this way. When adding just
> > > set sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
> > > there was no improvement. When I also used
> > > unset smtp_url
> > 
> > Ah, yes, these are certainly mutually exclusive. 
> > 
> > Using the sendmail binary for local enqueueing and smtp at the 
> > same time doesn't make much sense.
> > 
> > > Then I got
> > > Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.).
> > > Could not send the message.
> > 
> > You are on OpenBSD, if I remember this thread correctly.
> > 
> > What does 
> >  
> >         print testmail | mail -s testmail s...@adress.tld
> > 
> > do? This should call the same binary as the
> This works fine. Email is delivered.
> > 
> >         set sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
> > 
> > configuration option.
> > 
> > This way we'll see if local enqueueing[*] is broken on your machine.
> > 
> > See mailwrapper(8) and mailer.conf(5) for all the gory details.
> I will read the man pages and will try to utilise the wrapper in mutt.
> Thank you. I will come back with result.
> Jiří
> > 
> > Marcus
> > 
> > [*] I love the spelling of this word.
> > 
> > > Not sure if I have to adjust permissions of the wrapper or do anything
> > > else, so for now I will try to fix the smtp_url approach first.
> > > 
> > > Best regards,
> > > Jiří
> > > 
> > > On Tue, Mar 08, 2022 at 09:52:45AM +0100, Marcus MERIGHI wrote:
> > > > Hello!
> > > > 
> > > > j...@navratil.cz (Jiri Navratil), 2022.03.06 (Sun) 14:28 (CET):
> > > > > I'm using notebook with OpenBSD and every email from mail and from 
> > > > > mutt
> > > > > goes firstly to  OpenSMTPD on localhost and then are relayed to my
> > > > > server with static IP.
> > > > > I have been using in OpenBSD 6.7 for mutt
> > > > > set smtp_url="smtp://"
> > > > 
> > > > This is not a solution and not an answer to your question, 
> > > > but why don't you just use 
> > > > 
> > > >         set sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
> > > > 
> > > > in your muttrc(5)?
> > > > 
> > > > Marcus

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