On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 03:58:23PM +0200, Reio Remma wrote:
> On 21.03.2022 15:54, Pete Long wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I have a filter defined in smtpd.conf which looks like the following:
> > 
> > filter rejects phase data match mail-from <rejectaddress> \
> > disconnect "550 Policy enforcement."
> > 
> > The referenced table contains a list of addresses in the following
> > formats:
> > 
> > @dailynuisance.tld
> > bigmarketing.tld
> > @weneverunsubsribeanyone.tld
> > 
> > First of all, are these valid formats for the filter?
> I see I've set up blacklists with a table like this:
> match \
>   from any \
>   for any \
>   mail-from <blacklist> \
>   reject

Thanks Reio, that's nice and simple. I'll give that a try.

For some reason, I've always placed reject lists in a filter which are
are referenced in a 'listen on' line.

Perhaps its time for a change :)


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