On 17.08.2023 21:32, Reio Remma wrote:
On 17.08.2023 19:43, Thomas Bohl wrote:

Interesting. Which man page please? I can't see it mentioned in smtpd.conf nor forward man pages.

The forward man pages says:
A .forward file contains a list of expansion values, as described in aliases(5).

So it is in aliases 5.

Pipe the message to command on its standard input. The command is run under the privileges of the daemon's unprivileged account.

I've now found two ways to get mlmmj working.

.forward file method fails with the lmtp action that I've been successfully using thus far because it tries to pass it to mlmmj as 'smtpd' user:

action deliver_mlmmj    lmtp "/var/run/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to virtual <mlmmj_virtuals> userbase <mlmmj_userinfo>

.forward file method starts working if I replace lmtp with expand-only - mail is passed to mlmmj as the user from userbase not as 'smtpd' user:

action deliver_mlmmj   expand-only virtual <mlmmj_virtuals> userbase <mlmmj_userinfo>

Using the mda action passing mail to mlmmj works both with and without the .forward file, both ways delivered as the user from userbase:

action deliver_mlmmj   mda "/usr/bin/mlmmj-receive -L /var/vmail/mlmmj/%{rcpt.domain}/%{rcpt.user}/" virtual <mlmmj_virtuals> userbase <mlmmj_userinfo>

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