> On 2024/06/09 20:53:53 -0700, latin...@vcn.bc.ca wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am having this log lines and i am not able to find the error, could
>> someone help please?:
>> Jun  9 19:57:24 hawk smtpd[37247]: info: OpenSMTPD 7.5.0 starting
>> Jun  9 19:57:24 hawk smtpd[97671]: warn: table-proc: pipe closed
>> Jun  9 19:57:24 hawk smtpd[97671]: lookup: table-proc: exiting
> smtpd dies because of this: an external table died.
>> [...]
>> # tables setup
>> table domains file:/etc/mail/domains
>> table passwd passwd:/etc/mail/passwd
> I guess it's table passwd.

yes, i changed passwd: to file: and smtpd started but is nor reachable
from outside. the patches 1 and 3 are not installed!
opensmtpd-extras-6.7.1p0v0 deleted.

OpenBSD 7.5 (GENERIC) #79: Wed Mar 20 15:33:49 MDT 2024
# pkg_info
bzip2-1.0.8p0       block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
dovecot-2.3.21v0    compact IMAP/POP3 server
gettext-runtime-0.22.5 GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
icu4c-74.2v0        International Components for Unicode
intel-firmware-20240514v0 microcode update binaries for Intel CPUs
libexttextcat-3.4.6 UTF-8 aware language guessing library
libiconv-1.17       character set conversion library
libopensmtpd-0.7    library for writing opensmtpd filters
libsodium-1.0.19    library for network communications and cryptography
libstemmer-2.2.0    stemming algorithms for text processing
lz4-1.9.4           fast BSD-licensed data compression
nano-7.2            simple editor, inspired by Pico
opensmtpd-extras-6.7.1p0v0 extras for smtpd
opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign-0.5p2 dkim signer integration to the OpenSMTPD
quirks-7.14         exceptions to pkg_add rules
sqlite3-3.44.2      embedded SQL implementation
updatedb-0p0        pkg_add speed up cache
xz-5.4.5            library and tools for XZ and LZMA compressed files
znc-1.8.2p6         advanced IRC bouncer
zstd-1.5.5          zstandard fast real-time compression algorithm

> Recently the protocol for table was changed.  If you're running
> OpenBSD-CURRENT, remove opensmtpd-extra, install opensmtpd-table-passwd
> and restart smtpd.  No further changes are needed.
> (pkg_add -u should warn that opensmtpd-extra is deprecated and show a
> message that suggests to install the right opensmtpd-table-* package.
> It's also in the "following -current" FAQ page, will become part of the
> next OpenBSD release note.)
> If you're running a self-built opensmtpd from the github repo on other
> systems, you have to do the same except that you need to grab
> table-passwd from https://github.com/opensmtpd/table-passwd

Thanks man

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