I don't believe anywhere in the article that the writer used any statistics
that could back up his assumptions as you have referenced below.  It isn't
so much as writing a truthful article or to create a thought provoking piece
of literature, the main objective was to proclaim that a certain portion of
society is racist because the author proclaims it to be so.

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Matthew Block <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> People can say that, but the stats tell differently.
> "White voters nationally favored McCain by a 55-43 margin — in
> Missouri, it was 57-42 for McCain. The vote percentage among Missouri
> whites this time was identical to 2004, when 57 percent of white
> voters favored Bush over Democrat John Kerry."
> http://www.kansascity.com/383/story/876884.html
> Apparently 57% of white voters in Missouri favor Republicans in
> general.  And I hardly think that a 57-42 margin looks grossly
> different than the 55-43 nationwide margin.  So if Missouri is racist
> for not election Obama, then the country as a whole must be racist
> since the margin is essentially the same.  Of course the country as a
> whole elected Obama, so the whole reasoning doesn't even make sense.
> Reading the original article, I see that he only said that some racism
> tipped McCain over the edge to win such a narrow victory, but the
> above numbers argue against that as well.  Under that analysis you
> have to assume that McCain gained more votes based on racism than
> Obama did.
> >




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